Pauly's Project: Making a difference - Together!
Fundraisers • Oct 24th, 2017 •
(updated: Nov 20th, 2017) •
On Sunday, November 19, 2017, CSR created a group service club project in conjunction with Pauly’s Project to give back to the homeless in the skid row community of Los Angeles. Skid Row is no longer just a "row". A huge 54 block section of downtown Los Angeles has been the generally accepted limits of the area. Dozens if not hundreds of camps are set up in this area each with a dozen or so tents clustered. Our day saw us traveling with a caravan of cars to several of...(read more)
Thunderfest 2017/Rotary Beer Garden
Fundraisers • Oct 23rd, 2017 •
Thunderfest 2017 was held downtown Covina on Saturday, October 21. Covina Sunrise Rotarians were on site at the Beer Garden volunteering all day to set up, sell tickets, check ids & issue wrist bands, pour beer and more beer and tear down as well! A big thank you to all club members, family and friends that helped and a HUGE thank you to Galen and Kathy Metz for their tireless efforts. Without them, there would be no beer garden! Another successful community event and fundraiser!
Rotary Social Hour !
Member News • Oct 23rd, 2017 •
Covina Sunrise Rotary hosted our second Rotary Social Hour on October 17 at City Grill in Covina! All who joined in had a great time eating, drinking and socializing with fellow rotarians and guests. Thank you to Joel Camacho for setting the night up. Watch for news on our next Rotary Social Hour in the next few months.
CSR proudly donates to Covina PD K-9 Unit!
Member News • Oct 13th, 2017 •
At our weekly meeting on Tuesday, October 10,on behalf of Covina Sunrise Rotary, President Shannon presented Chief John Curley from Covina Police Department with a check in the amount of $1000 for the K-9 Unit! Chief Curley was also our featured Speaker of the Week! We are proud to support our community!